SO. The big news as most of you know.....we officially have a son. Gosh, that sounds weird. ;) Due to country restrictions, we cannot tell you his name or what country he is in. He is in Eastern Europe. He will turn 2 in June. And, we have about 12 months before we get to bring him home. Isn't he the sweetest thing? I laugh that they have him in a Mickey Mouse shirt. When I show Chandler his picture, she calls him Goofy. Seems appropriate to a 3 year old, I suppose! 12 months before we bring him home. In some ways, I am relieved. More time for me to get past this fear of a 3rd child! But, when I get past the ME...then it becomes about him. And then, more about HIM...and serving HIM. At our last adoption meeting at our agency, the lady told us, "adoption is not about you. It is about the child." So, so true. God has asked us to give up our plans and take in this child. This awesome, perfect child. I get so sad thinking about him sitting in his crib, alone, with no mommy or daddy to sing to him or kiss him or love him. No big brother and sister to play with him. He is almost 2 and still drinking out of a bottle! No real food yet!! Boy, are we going to fatten that kid up!! ;) We have been chosen, hand picked by GOD to raise this beautiful child. How blessed are we? And, it's true. This is about him. It has nothing to do with us. We have pledged to *try* to forget about ourselves in this life. It is now about him, while serving HIM. We have had so many people tell us "I am glad there are people like you out there....I could never do that." Be careful what you say! I would have said the same thing a year ago! LOL!! I read the most amazing verse this week: Galations 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval men, or of GOD? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." WOW!!! Pretty awesome. And pretty true. Being a true servant of Christ is no easy walk in the park. But, again, we knew that. It is an absolute honor to dedicate our lives to God's will. We are thrilled to welcome this child into our family. 12 months. Oh. 12 months and I get to hold him. And rock him. And love him. He has never experienced love. Break. My. Heart. But he will. He will know that he is loved. Not only by his family, but by his heavenly Father. And it makes my heart melt to think that one day, he will know of Jesus' love for him. And, that my friends, is redemption.
So, what happens over the next 12 months? Lots more paperwork. And more background checks. Tomorrow is our home study. So say a prayer for us! Am I worried or nervous. No. Not at all. Our social worker is super nice. And honestly, we are super awesome so why wouldn't we pass!! Totally kidding!! ;) But, it will be nice to have that checked off of our list! And what else will be going on the next 12 months? Fundraising!!! The photography fundraiser was a hit!!! We made $1000! Thank you Shannon!! Our garage sale is coming up in April, so if you have anything you want to get rid of, bring it over! We would love to sell it for you! Our goal is $1-2k!!! Ok. Maybe just $1k. ;) And the biggest most exciting fundraiser!!!! We have been asked to be a sponsored family in the ONE LESS race in Boerne!!!!!! http://www.onelessrace.com/default.html Check it out!! This is a HUGE deal guys! And we would love for all of our friends to participate. We are so blessed by this opportunity. We are also thinking about doing a dinner/auction. But, we need some things to auction!!! If you have any ideas or are a business owner and would like to help out, let us know!
So, that is it for updates for now. Feeling super blessed and thankful. I read a quote on pinterest this week that made me laugh: "God gives us only what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I am a bad ass." LOL!!! Yep. Praise HIM for the ups and downs this process brings us. It is only making us stronger.
I am just now catching up! I. LOVE. HIS. HAIR.!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is looking at the camera almost like he knows something new is going to be coming his way but not sure what. I am so excited for yall!!!
I may have some Thirty-One stuff for the auction if you are interested! Let me know.