Sunday, March 24, 2013

Giving HIM the Glory

So I will start with saying this blog post isn't really about adoption.  Whew.  Nice change huh?  ;)  It's about something I heard today at church that got to me.  And, the funny thing is, I have heard this about a million times throughout my Christian life.  But.  Today it just made sense.  Sadly, it made sense because this is the first time in the 22 years of being a Christian, that I was actually READY to hear it.  Sad.  Why do we do that?  If we don't want to hear something important we just block it out, ignore it.  So, I will just get down to it.  The thing that got to me was when Pastor Kirk said, "you have to be willing to DIE to live your life for Jesus."  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Heard it a million times.  So why was it different today?  And, let's think about this.  Am I willing to give up everything I have for God?  Really?  Because if the answer is no, then, well, things, they gotta change!  Why do we get SO caught up in ourselves.  In our lives, our kids, our house, our clothes, our next meal, where our kids go to school (ugh- always a dilemma for Jenny!).  Why are we so selfish.  Kirk explained it perfectly.  Because we are imperfect beings.  We are sinful.  It is human nature to be selfish.  To not want to give up everything for others.  And, the American way of life does nothing but encourage that thought process.  So does that excuse us?  NO.  Read this verse from Matthew 10:38-39
"If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine.  If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.”  What?  For reals?  You mean, I have to give up MY plans, MY hopes, MY dreams for you, God?  No way.  I can't do that?  Well.  I mean, we kind of are.  We are starting to.  All of Clay and my plans for our future have been thrown out the window to follow God's plans for our lives.  And are we better off?  HECK YES!  I could write a whole other blog post on how we have been blessed just the past month with living our lives for HIM.  But, I have a confession.  So, we are definitely doing that on the adoption front.  But, are we doing it in other aspects of our lives?  Hmmm.  Good question.  Kirk shared a verse today about doing things "without grumbling".  Oh.  Uh oh.  If you know me, you know I am a "grumbler".  ;)  Darn.  Have to stop that too.  So, is this easy?  No.  Will we stumble and fall.  Yes.  Do we need to worry about all of this?  NO!  Now, read this other verse from Matthew 6:31-33, "So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  Ok.  Maybe I can do this.  Stop worrying.  Stop focusing on things that don't matter.  Focus on GOD.  You know, I will share a little inside view of the Richey house just to give an example of this.  A couple weeks ago, when we were signing paperwork to be sent to a certain Eastern European country, we realized that soon after the paperwork gets there and is cleared, we will need to send another $8000 to our agency.  What?  We just sent $3500.  Well, Jenny had a little meltdown.  Ok.  A huge meltdown.  Freaking out about where the money would come from.  Clay (who hardly ever worries about things - especially financial) says, "we will just take it out of savings."  Yeah.  Sure we will.  When I disagreed calmly...ok.  Not calm.  At. All.  Clay says, "Jenny.  This is not our money anyways.  We are going to use this money for God's purpose.  He will take care of us.  He will provide.  What do you need the money for anyways?"  Um.  I don't know.  Rainy day funds are nice to have.  But Clay was right.  God promised us in Matthew that He will provide if we are living for Him.  And you know what?  In some ways, it is so freeing to just let go of all the "plans".  To just enter life like you are some awesome ride.  To go out and live each day to better yourself and others.  To give it all up and hand it all over to GOD.  So, that is just what we are going to do.  Will it be easy?  No.  It will be hard.  Did I share that verse from Galations 1:10 on the last post?  If so, then I am sorry.  But I just love it.  So, here it is again, "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."  Yes.  Stop worrying about what others think.  Cause, when it gets down to it, that is what prevents me from doing things I know I should go out and do.  Right?  That or just laziness.  So, what's your excuse?  I am sick of making excuses.  It's time to get real.  Will it be easy.  No.  Will I always be successful.  No.  Some days you may see me and you may just laugh that Jenny can't handle things.  Well, that may be true.  But, I am working on it.  And, God knows my heart.  And He knows yours.  Let's do this together.  Let's give HIM the glory. 


  1. I love this, Jenny! This is so where my heart is right now. I have really re-evaluated over the past few months what it means to "die to myself." I've also been reading in John (and probably in the other gospels too) where Jesus talks about how we must hate this life. I've been wondering if I really hate my life here, and the answer for me has been no. I've been a slave to the things of this world for way too long. Anyway, just wanted to say I totally agree with everything you wrote here. I've been praying for your family and am so proud of what you're doing!

  2. So glad someone from Baylor shared your story with me. We also had the call to adopt before we even married and that pull on our hearts never stopped even after three kids. We also followed through and haven't regretted this beautiful part of our life. I pray your experience is as uplifting as ours. That doesn't mean every day is perfect, but just the perfect path for us. The day to day can be crazy, but is there anything more beautiful than caring for one of God's children?
